Tuesday, April 28, 2009


What fruit is LOW in sugar and carbs?

Most fruit is not low in sugar - fruit is sweet. If you want low in sugar try veggies.
Reply:Fruits lowest in sugar:

* Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime

* Rhubarb

* Raspberries (more about berries on low carb diets)

* Blackberries

* Cranberries

* Strawberries

* Peaches

* Blueberries

* Cantaloupes

* Honeydew Melons

* Apples

* Apricots

* Plums

* Grapefruit

* Oranges

* Guava

* Papaya

* Cranberries

* Strawberries

* Peaches

* Blueberries

* Cantaloupes

* Honeydew Melons

* Apples

* Apricots

* Plums

* Grapefruit

* Oranges

* Guava

* Papaya
Reply:Berries are good. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. Remember that fiber is subtracted from net carbs.
Reply:I used to be on a diet and the only fruit I was allowed to eat was Granny Smith apple, since its taste is a little bit sour it has less sugar than other apples.
Reply:Watermelon! Yummy!
Reply:believe it or not a barnacle.

for edible fruits try a pomegranate.
Reply:Blueberries, strawberries I believe
Reply:i think its a banana
Reply:just about all because they are all sweet


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