Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad fruit cannot come from a good tree?

If a tree is perfect in each and every way, it would be impossible for that tree to bear bad fruit. Now, every Christian person says that God is a perfect being, that he is perfect and almighty in every which way. Now, How can a Perfect God create an imperfect being like us? Now some of you might say, "Well, we were perfect before Eve ate the fruit." Well, if we truly were perfect, Eve would've known not to eat the fruit, and since she's perfect, she never would've fell for the Devil's trickerys.

Bad fruit cannot come from a good tree?
Your question is flawed, or you are suggesting that God has created us imperfect beings. I, that we have been created as a perfect image of God in his image.

Our limited of the universe, makes us believe that somehow I'm not perfect, but this insults the wisdom of our Creator. What we do, using the free will of humanity may not fit with our universal definition of perfection, however that simply maybe because we do not see a big enough picture.

God bless you on your path to spiritual enlightenment.
Reply:If you don't believe, that's fine with me but why waste our time with your parable and just say you don't believe.

God gave us free will. That is the difference. You already made your choice and I've already made mine. I cant convert you and you wont change me.
Reply:you think it could be a myth? hmmmmmmmm.
Reply:Eve wasn't perfect she had a choice.

If she didn't have choice she would be

a robot. Let me contradict myself she

was perfectly created with a choice.

If you programed a robot to love you , would

that be love ? People completely over look

the message that is written about Eve , we are

told right off in the beginning that we have a choice

like a warning label on a can. If we choose not to

exercise that warning we have bad results.

And here we are because people choose(choice)

not to read and exercise the warning label.
Reply:You're confusing two Biblical teachings.

The first, that God is perfect and holy. (Holy means separate, and apart from, His creation). This is true.

Second, Jesus in the book of Matthew tells His followers that you will know a person's heart by the "fruit" (or products of) their life. If a person claims to be righteous and good and yet produces only bad fruit, they are wicked in their hearts.

Now, what you are really asking is "How can a perfect being create imperfection?"

To answer this, go back to point one. God is perfect and HOLY. This means is separate and apart from His creation. So God is NOT a part of the imperfect universe. And since He is all-powerful, He can pretty much create whatever He wants to create, right?

Why is the universe imperfect? Because of the Fall of Man. God created in us the capacity to both do "good" and to do "evil." Many times we chose to do evil.

I think more importantly you're considering the question WHY would God chose to do this? The answer is also found in the Bible. Because it is through evil that God's perfection is perfectly demonstrated.

Peace to you, here is a chocolate cookie for your journey.

You have a very low view of what it is to be human.

Are you a prophet? Do you know the meaning of ALL?

Awareness Loves Life.

Life, the universe is a dream in motion.

Your argument of "perfect" and "imperfect" is clouded by a very narrow understanding of a handful of scripture passages.

Now, if you broadened your view of the world, maybe considered "What would Jesus think?", then you might see the error of your assumptions...

Good luck on life's journey.


Reply:If you mistreat the tree you can indeed get bad fruit...try lighter fluid and matches and see what i mean...also chain saws scare the hell out of them and you get nervous fruit, try and see.
Reply:This analogy was given by Jesus to describe the hypocritical methods of the Pharisees but anyway...

Humans are so perfect they are given free choice to do what we want. If God was in complete control of us, then there would be no argument at all
Reply:She know not to eat the fruit, He told them not to. Just like all other humans she had a choice to make. She chose the wrong option. Sort of like choosing to smoke or drink we are told from every direction not to but some still choose the wrong option. It is that all time old answer "free will", that is the answer. Satan started out "perfect" but he thought he was equal to and or better then his creator.

We had to be given free will in order not to be robots, the choice is still ours to make just as it was hers. Not all questions will be or are made to be answered in this world. How can perfect creator create an imperfect being? he can create what ever he wants. I'm thankful he chose to create us.
Reply:I agree. So does orange fruit cannot come from apple tree.
Reply:Christ is perfect. We are bieng made perfect and will not become perfect until we stand in heaven in His presence.

The scriptures say, He who has begun a good work in you will work to complete it. A perfect fruit takes time to develop.
Reply:God is not a tree and I am not an apple but you sure are a lemon.
Reply:Eve wasn't perfect she was innocent. The fruit wasn't bad, she was tempted without understanding and before she had the experience to deal with it. The original sin was disobedience to God. He told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of that tree. Sin has never changed, it is still disobedience to God. God is pure and holy beyond anything we can begin to imagine. Sin can not be in His presence which is why He sent us the Messiah, to cleanse us from sin so that we can be with Him.
Reply:Free will, without we would all be puppets on the stage called earth. God is perfect. Jesus is perfect. We will be perfect.


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