Sunday, May 16, 2010

How can I eat more fruit?

I'm trying to eat healthier and I need to eat more fruit, but when it comes time to eat...I don't eat the fruit and head straight for things like chips or cookies. They just taste better and fruit makes my stomach uncomfortable when it is empty. I like fruit, I really do, but its never the first thing I will grab when I'm hungry...

Lunch today is a perfect example...I brought a banana and an apple, but I don't want to eat them...I want cookies...

Do you have any ideas how I can change this? Is there anything you do to make fruit more appealing?

How can I eat more fruit?
I actually find that too-I love fruit but if I eat it when I'm hungry I feel sick. try having some crackers or some form of low fat carbs before you eat fruit as a snack

its so easy to include fruit in your diet

-have a banana on toast or in cereal for breakfast

-mix strawberries, grapes and yoghurt in to a smoothie

-slice up an apple, grab some dip and snack during your favourite tv show

-stir some chopped fruit in to your favourite dessert

hope this helps and dont feel guilty about having the odd cookie. everything in moderation is fine. good luck with your healthy eating!
Reply:Well you can start by 1. Replace you normal cookies with wheat crackers or oatmeal cookies.2.Take a little bit of everything to work with you and enjoy. Every week cut down and up your fruits. Fruits are nutritious and high on carbs. The sugar can also have the same effect as your cookies if you don't exercise. Think about some cardio work maybe 2/3 times a week. Walking, running, row machine.
Reply:Try making a yummy shake with fruit I use frozen fruit peaches, strawberry or blueberry's. add about a cup of fruit 3/4 of a cup of water 1/4 cup cranberry juice one splenda and a scoop of vanilla whey powder. even if you still reach for a cookie you know you got at least some fruit for the day. This fills you up and i crave them everyday now.
Reply:you could make "smoothies" with various fruits: bannanas,berries,pineapple,apples,etc..
Reply:dont buy anymore cookies or chips....only have fruit in your house.
Reply:Instead of eating just plain fruit- you can try eating the fruit with other things- like putting strawberries/blueberries or whatever in your cereal or on your waffles in the morning. And for snacks in stuff don't eat cookies instead eat a peanut butter sandwich with bananas in it. You could put fruit inside of jello also. When you mix fruit with other food the other food absorbs some of the acid that the fruit has.

Good luck on eating healthy- once you start it gets easier and those cookies don't look as quite appealing.
Reply:Eat the fruit, don't eat the cookies, Eat the fruit, don't eat the cookies, eat the fruit, don't eat the cookies.........................
Reply:I am generally a very healthy eater and I used to think that I really didn't care for fruit. I realized though after trying new kinds other than just apples, bananas and oranges that there are kinds that I really do like. I think if you go check out the produce dept. you'll be amazed at the plethora of fruit, maybe even some you've never heard of. Organic fruit (especially berries) are honest to god 100 times better because they are filled with more juice rather than water. Also, smoothies and dried fruits are a great way to try fruits in a new way. Best of luck to you.
Reply:You might try the V8 Splash drinks as well. They provide atleast one serving of fruit/veggies for the day. Try putting the fruit into a smoothie or shake.
Reply:I would suggest that you have accidental fruit- fruit which is combined with other things you are having. For example, I will have fruit and yoghurt, or choose fruit museli bars, sometimes I will choose the snack fruits that are small and already cut up prepackaged- and make sure I have disposable spoon in my handbag so if I am somewhere, hungry and see the fruit it isn't an issue. The other trick is don't wait till you are starving. Eat fruit for afternoon tea, before you are really really hungry- you will be full and therefore skip the whole chip idea. I would recommend you start slowly, combine the fruit with a sandwich for lunch until you get into the habit of fruit in your diet. sometimes though, you don't feel like sweet... that's where the savoury sandwich comes in....

Good luck!
Reply:stop buying cookies and you'll eat the fruit!!
Reply:Uh... have you tried drinking fruit juice? Also, it could kinda make your stomach not happy because of the acid. If you drink some water with it/beforehand it should help that out a little, I would think. Try all different types of fruit, things that look weird or you think might not taste wonderful to you. What's wrong with trying new things? Instead of going for an apple, grab a kiwi (you don't eat the fuzzy peel, lol). Worth a try.
Reply:Try other types of fruits even exotic ones until you find one you like as much as cookies. I like Asian Pears as much as cookies.

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