Sunday, May 16, 2010

Things that qualify as fruit?

I don't quite understand the whole "all produce that have seeds are fruit" theory. I mean, they say that a Tomato is a fruit and some people don't see them as fruit. So if a Tomato is a fruit, does that make Cucumbers and Peppers fruit also since they also have seeds?

Things that qualify as fruit?
Reply:Tomatoes belong to the family of 'true berries' which blueberries also belong. Peppers are also fruits. And yes cukes are too. People assume fruits are nice, juicy, sweet things but look at durian or ackee these are fruits which are not common in north america but from personal experience they are definitely not sweet as one tastes like eggs and the other tastes like rotten eggs.
Reply:Techically nearly all "vegtables" are fruits cause most of them develop formt he ovary of a plant and anything that develops from the ovary of a plant is a fruit!So yes they would be considered fruit!
Reply:I am not sure.
Reply:Yes, cucumber, pepper, eggplant, they are you use them is what makes us think differently . Usually tomato is put in salsa, or spagetti sauce, or just sliced with salt and pepper. Ever heard of Tomato preserves...use em on toast for breakfast just like jelly? Yumm.
Reply:no, some people qualify the tomato as a fruit because of it's high natural sugar content.
Reply:From a scientific point of view, a tomato is a fruit. A fruit is developed from the ovary at the base of a flower, and contains the reproductive seeds of that plant. Technically all vegetables and nuts that are gained through this process are fruits. The term vegetable typically refers to the other parts of the plant that we eat, that are not seed pods, or the reproductive portion of the plant.

The terms are interchanged in their culinary use, as the term "fruit" refers to items that are more sweet and used in that manner, and the term "vegetable" is used for items that are used in non-sweet dishes.

Tomato is kind of the weird variance, as it is a "fruit" by definition, but it is used as a "vegetable." One does not see chocolate Tomato cakes or tomato candies.

It would likely be easier to simply refer to items by their more direct classifications - tubers, Legumes, berries, etc..
Reply:a fruit is defined as the edible part of a seed plant that is produced from a pollunated ovary/flower. Therefore a tomato is a well as a pepper. Vegetables are part of the vegetation of the plant itself...such as a carrot, potato, cellery, lettuce, radish.
Reply:the whole point of a fruit is that it gets eaten, then the seeds are excreted when the animal poohs. therefore the seeds end up in a new environment away from the parent plant and propagate in a new area.

so anything with seeds is fruit and cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are all fruits

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