Saturday, November 14, 2009

Adding fruit to gelato?

Does anyone know the proper procedure for adding fruit to gelato?

My sister has a professional gelato mixer for her ice cream business. When fresh fruit is added in the gelato making process, it freezes and the gelato comes out with these hard, frozen chunks of fruit in it. How does she prevent this from happening? Should something be mixed with the fruit first? Any advice from someone with gelato making experience or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Adding fruit to gelato?
why don't you try pureeing the fruit first?

For a fruit flavor, well, some fruit work better than others. You get best flavor if you puree the fruit first in your food processor or blender. So obviously, fruits like strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, figs and peaches are idea for this, while apples, coconuts and pomegranates might not be such a good choice.

To prepare the fruit just prepare it as you would for eating, then blend it in your food processor or blender for a few minutes. Here are some tips:

Peaches and nectarines: remove skins, pits and bruised areas

Strawberries: remove the cap (the green parts)

Raspberries: just wash them

Blackberries: I like seedless, so I wash them and then run them through a Foley Food Mill to remove the seeds!

Figs: Remove stems and bruises

Mangoes: Peel, and cut the flesh off the stone.


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