Saturday, November 14, 2009

Washing fruit after it is peeled, scientific answer please!?

The question is in regards to the natural sugars of fruit. Does washing fruit after it is peeled take away the flavors, natural sugars, and nutrients from the fruit? For example, after I peeled a pineapple and then washed the yellow fruit on the inside, would that steal away those 3 things?

Washing fruit after it is peeled, scientific answer please!?
Yes, washing fruit would take away small amounts of nutrients and sugars. If you're just rinsing them for a short period then its not so much a big deal. If you're however boiling fruits, pasta or other foods this takes out larger quantites.

There's no advantage I can think of to washing the innards of any fruit including pineapple although I'm not very familiar with pineapple.

Hope this helps!
Reply:Water washes away and dissolves many molecules contributing to the flavor of fruits. However, the peel of a fruit may not be 100% impermeable, so dirt and pesiticides can get inside. It's probably worth it to wash your fruits so you can get rid of those things.
Reply:i would agree with the previous will loose flavor, sugar, nutrients...

ex: if you have sugar crystals on your spoon and rinsed the spoon, won't your spoon have less sugar crystals on it? plus, do a taste test of a washed apple slice and a non-washed apple slice...not as sweet of the washed ones. but after a while...not too bad....

benefits...only did not wash your fruit b4 cutting. if you did not wash the fruit, the germs and dirt on the fruit will be transfered onto the meat of the fruit by the knife. that is why it is suggested to wash the melons and other fruits b4 cutting them up. cuts down illnesses.

hopefully that does help

and as always...use a sharp knife...

sandals church

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