Monday, November 16, 2009

Is milk/fruit not a good combination?

All the suggestions for a nutritional breakfast contains something like "milk+(carbo)+fruit", but I heard that the acid in fruits makes milk hard to digest and the calcium lost. Is that true or only for some particular fruits?

There're many drinks that include milk and fruit. I also heard banna + milk/yogurt is bad?True?

Is milk/fruit not a good combination?

There both healthy for you.

As long as you don't have a hot shower after...

The milk may bubble in your stomache and upset it.

Reply:It is true that some people are bothered by the combination of citrus fruits and milk. I personally cannot eat/drink them at the same meal. It upsets my stomach really bad. Banana's are a fruit almost everyone can eat and digest properly with milk - one reason why it is usually the first fruit a baby gets.The combination of banana and milk/yogurt is not bad at all in fact is a good source of potassium ( helps stop leg cramps and muscle spasms.).

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