Monday, November 16, 2009

Glucose content in fruit skin?

which fruit SKIN has the highest glucose content? and the second most and third and so forth...

how long does it takes the yeast to get the glucose out of the fruit SKIN? can give examples of some common fruits skin.

note: what i would want is the fruit SKIN not the fruit itself.

pls help me . thanks. XD

Glucose content in fruit skin?
Hi Sneezywheezy,

The glucose content of a fruit's skin will be minimal in most, if not all, fruits.

The reason for this is that the skin's purpose is to serve as a protective layer for the fruit (which is the reproductive "seed" of the plant).

Glucose is produced by a plant as its food and serves the same purpose in its fruit/seed. This food is stored in the fruit/seed to provide it with enough energy to propagate, until it can start to produce its own food.

That does not mean that all skins should be discarded or that they are not beneficial to humans. Many fruits have valuable nutrients and fiber, and even have medicinal value. Some fruit skins actually assist your digestive track with the digestion of glucose.

I hope this helps.

Hiking Tony

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